Jahr der Orden

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Das Jahr des geweihten Lebens ist ein Themenjahr der römisch-katholischen Kirche vom ersten Advent (30. November) 2014 bis zum Fest der Darstellung des Herrn (2. Februar) 2016. Das Themenjahr wurde von Papst Franziskus am 2..

Posted on 02/12/2014, :::: Read more... >>

Daily Prayer Calendar on the Februar 10

Intention for today

That we keep in mind that our religious profes­sion calls us to perfect our Christian life by following Christ so intimately that we live, die and rise with him. (Art. 6)

Prayer of intercesion:
We pray for

For the sick and the aged, and for those who are in any way incapacitated.

For those who are experiencing problems with their vocations.

Words of the Founder

Every sound intellect can and ought to accept it (God's word, our faith). It allows itself to be justified by reason most clearly and most certainly... (Paris, 12/28/1834)