
Day of prayer Intention Prayer
1 / October That, under the pressure of apostolic activity, the Resurrectionist will... For the Church, our Holy Father, and for our local Ordin­ary.
2 / October That Christ may live and act in each Resurrec­tionist, and... For our Congregation, Father General and his Council, the Provincial/Regional...
3 / October That each Resurrectionist may love people with the love of... For our parents, relatives, friends and benefactors, and for him...
4 / October That the desire to bring each person to Christ may... That we may learn to imitate the spirit of our Founders.
5 / October That our entire religious life may be filled with an... For all of our brothers in the missions in Bolivia,...
6 / October That each Resurrectionist be occupied with the work of Christ... For our country and for peace in the world.
7 / October That we may learn to renounce our own convenience in... For the conversion of sinners, and for all in affliction,...
8 / October That each Resurrect­ionist will actuate the spirit of the Congregation... For our deceased brothers and benefactors, for all of the...
9 / October That as Resur­rectionists we may minister joyfully, so that the... For fidelity to our vows and our Charism, and for...
10 / October That each member of the Congregation shall regard it his... For the Church, our Holy Father and our local Ordinary.
11 / October That each member of the Congregation will remember that it... For the beatification of Fr. Paul Smolikowski, CR
12 / October That, as members of the Congregation, we may strive to... For our country, for civil rulers, and for peace.
13 / October That our ecumenical activity will always be in harmony with... For our parents, relatives, friends and benefactors, and for all...
14 / October That our ecumenical efforts may stress prayer for unity, dialogue... That we may imitate the example of our Founders; for...
15 / October That, while the apostolic endeavours of the Congrega­tion are primarily... For all of our brothers in the missions in Bolivia,...
16 / October That our religious working among people of nationalities other than... For the conversion of sinners, and for all in affliction,...
17 / October That, to assess better the needs of the time, each... For our deceased brothers and benefactors.
18 / October That, true to the spirit of its Founders, the Congregation... For all of the faithful departed, and for him who...
19 / October That our educational and parochial apostolates may work together to... For fidelity to our religious vows and our Charism, and...
20 / October That our educational apostolate may achieve its goal - the... For the Church, our Holy Father, and for our local Ordinary.
21 / October That in the educational apostolate, our religious will instil in... For our Congregation, our Superiors and for vocations.
22 / October That in the educational apostolate, our religious may be committed... For our country, for justice and for peace.
23 / October That our religious will strive to nourish in others a... For all those who have recommended themselves to our prayers.
24 / October That, by their teaching and research, our religious will encourage... For the grace to imitate our Founders, and for the...
25 / October That our religious will endeavour to instil in others a... For all of our brothers in the missions in Bolivia,...
26 / October That our religious may inspire others with a sense of... For the conversion of sinners, and for all in affliction,...
27 / October That we may show special concern for the development of... For our deceased brothers and benefactors, and for him who...
28 / October That our religious may strive to create faith communities described... For increased fidelity to our vows and our Community Charism.
29 / October That our religious will strive to create faith communities in... For the Church, our Holy Father and local Ordinary.
30 / October That our religious will look upon their educational institutions as... For our Congregation and our Superiors, and for vocations to...
31 / October That in the educational apostolate, our religious will strive to... For the sick, the suffering and the dying, and for...