Role of the Brothers
A Religious Brother in the Congregation of the Resurrection, like a priest, is called to witness Christ’s presence to the world. Where a religious brother differs from a priest is in his essence, for an important aspect of brotherhood is found not so much in what he does, but rather by how he lives his life.
Brothers are called to give witness to the world: through the vow of poverty to witness that a person’s worth is not defined by material possession; through the vow of chastity to witness his freedom to be responsive to the needs of others; through the vow of obedience to witness that through prayerful listening the call of God can be heard. The brother, like all consecrated religious, recognizes that quality time given over to prayer makes all ministry both possible and effective.
As a brother within the Congregation of the Resurrection he is called to a variety of ministries. A Resurrectionist brother may serve as a pastoral worker, teacher, chaplain, missionary, counselor, etc – once again, like a priest within the Congregation of the Resurrection, any ministry that helps in the fulfillment of the Charism of the Community.