21st Provincial Chapter of Polish Province

XXI kapitula baner


The Polish Province of Resurrectionists held their 21st Provincial Chapter on November 10-19 at their Centrum Resurrectionis (major seminary) in Cracow, Poland. Under the direction of Provincial Superior Fr. Krzysztof Swol, C.R., the chapter began on Thursday November 10th with a concelebrated Eucharist presided by our Superior General, Fr. Bernard Hylla, C.R. Pol Chap 2016

The Polish Provincial Chapter, as in the other provinces and region of Resurrectionists, meets every three years. This year, in addition to the work of planning of various commissions among the delegates, the Chapter was also preparing for the upcoming 33rd General Chapter in 2017. Three members elected by this Provincial Chapter to serve as delegates to the General Chapter are: Frs. Andrzej Mądry, Andrzej Sosnowski and Zygmunt Waz. Fr. Swół, as Provincial Superior, will also participate as an ex officio delegate. For more information on the work of the Polish Province's Chapter, please see the website of the Polish Province: www.zmartwychwstancy.pl

Posted on Nov 2016,