Fr. Andrzej Gieniusz member of editorial board of the new Millenium Bible in Poland


On June 7, 2016, at Plenary Meeting No. 373 of the Polish Bishops' Conference, during elections to various bodies representing the Episcopate, Fr. Andrew Gieniusz, C.R., was named a member of the editorial board for the new Millenium Bible (VI Edition). He is the coordinator of the translation of the New Testament for the new biblical publication.  

Fr. Andrew, a member of the Polish Province of Resurrectionists, has been for many years Professor of New Testament exegesis at the Pontifical Urbanianum University at the Vatican, as well as a member of the editorial staff of the prestigious quarterly Biblica, published by the Pontifical Biblical Institute (the "Biblicum"). The Congregation recognizes this nomination to the editorial board as an acknowledgement of his high scholarly competence, and we pray that his work on the new edition of the Millenium Bible will be fruitful for the Church in Poland.


Posted on Jun 2016,