Perpetually vowed to the Lord...

dsc 0443

dsc 0034On Sunday, September 4, 2016, three members of the Polish Province of the Congregation made their perpetual profession of the religious vows of poverty, chastity and obedience as Resurrectionists. Marcin Klimaszewski, C.R., Daniel Szkubera, C.R. and Mariusz Kowalski, C.R. (in photo above, left to right), made their perpetual commitment in concecrated life before Provincial Superior Fr. Krszyztof Swół, C.R., and in the presence of several confreres and family members, including Fr. Evandro Miranda Rosa, C.R., Procurator General of the Congregation who has also served as Marcin's seminary rector in Rome. Marcin and Daniel will continue their preparation for ordination as priests in the Congregation, while Brother Mariusz will now enter full-time ministry as a lay brother in the Community.


Posted on Sep 2016, by J. Gibson, C.R.