On December 8, 2015, Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the inauguration of a Jubilee Year of Mercy in the Church, seminarian André Malta Martins, C.R., of the South American Region, professed perpetual vows of chastity, poverty and obedience in the Church of the Resurrection at the Resurrectionist Generalate in Rome. His vows were received by Superior General Fr. Bernard Hylla, C.R. and were witnessed by other members of our General Curia. Two other Brazilian members of the Collegium Resurrectionis formation community in Rome, seminarian Leandro Buono, C.R., and Brother Nucinaldo Bezerra de Arruda, C.R., renewed vows for one year.
The joyous Eucharist was concelebrated by formation director and General Councilor Fr. Evandro Miranda Rosa, C.R., as well as by Curia members Frs. Tim Uniac, C.R., and James Gibson, C.R., Roman House member Fr. Andrzej Gieniusz, C.R., Fr. Marcin Paca, C.R., from our parish in Acilia, and our house guest Fr. Carlo Bazzi. Also participating by their prayerful presence and liturgical ministry at the Eucharist were religious seminarians from the communities of Discalced Augustinians, Canons Regular (Theatines) and the Servants of the Poor, as well as Sisters of the Resurrection, Benedictine Samaritan Sisters and several friends from St. Maurizio Parish in Acilia, where André has been giving apostolic service on Sundays.
Fortified by this special grace of his vocation and the Apostolic Blessing of Pope Francis, André will soon conclude his time of study in Rome and return to the Community in Brazil to prepare for ordination as a deacon and then as a priest. We continue to ask the blessing of the Risen Lord upon all of our members in their initial formation in Rome and in our Provinces and Region.
Posted on Dec 2015, by jmg, Roma