On Tuesday, February 7, 2017, the cause of beatification of Servant of God Bogdan Jański was officially opened by the Vatican. While the documentation of the diocesan process in Płock, Poland, had been presented to the Congregation for Causes of the Saints on December 15, 2016, on this occasion the Vatican phase was officially opened in the presence of Superior General Fr. Bernard Hylla, C.R., and Postulator General Fr. Andrzej Gieniusz, C.R. The 18 volumes of documents will now be made into books, possibly by March of this year, and they will be reviewed page by page before being declared "legally valid".
During this Vatican phase of the cause of Bogdan Jański, his fama sanctitatis (fame of holiness) must be established as constant and widespread. Thus the devotion to following Jański's example, as well as prayer for his intercession on the part of people who share the Resurrectionist spirit, continue to play an essential role in his recognition by the universal Church.
Posted on Feb 2017,